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7 Tips to Keeping Your Office Clean

Everyone knows that a clean office leads to more productive and satisfied employees. However, even if most managers know the advantages of a spotless workplace, it is not always easy to organise everything. Where do you start? Here are seven small things you and your employees can do.

1. Don’t allow food on individual tables.

Individual desks are almost always the areas where there is a lot of clutter and dirt. One way of reducing dirt in these areas is to discourage eating on the tables. By asking people to eat in the pantry, there is less likelihood that food wrappers are dumped on the side of the table and individual trash bins. Plus, spilled coffee on documents and files will not become a problem.

Even if it’s for snacks and small treats, implement a no-eating zone in cubicles. While this may not bode well with everyone in the team, explain to them that this is to help make the office a much cleaner space conducive for working.

2. Implement a clean-as-you-go policy

Asking your employees to clean as they go does not necessarily mean strict office rules. If you want to maintain cleanliness and organisation in the office, this clean-as-you-go policy is a good habit-forming exercise to teach employees to be mindful of office cleanliness. You can start by putting up signs in the pantry to remind your employees of your new policy.

Clean as you go entails washing the dishes that were used and putting them on the dryer. All dining tables should be wiped clean, too. To make it easier for everyone, have dish racks and cleaning supplies in the pantry.

3. Empty common tables

Common spaces are always the dirtiest and most disorganised areas in a workplace. To prevent having clutter in these areas, keep the tables neat and tidy. One drastic measure is to leave the tables empty after every use. If this means removing all stacks of paper and pen holders, then that would be it. Of course, you have to bear in mind that placing them somewhere else disorganised is not going to help either. If you do need to remove things, place them in their rightful places.

If you work in co-working spaces, then ask people to keep the desks clean after use. Since all tables can be used by everyone, ask everybody to not leave personal belongings lying around.

4. File everything

Got any documents lying around? If so, then now is the time to store them in filing cabinets. If they are no longer being used and they contain sensitive information, then consider using a shredder to make sure that confidential information is not seen by unauthorized personnel. Moreover, documents and contracts should be filed based on your company’s use for them; it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have to be in alphabetical order.

5. Wipe gadgets and computers

Dust on gadgets is a sign that your office is not being cleaned. Ask your employees to always make sure that there is no dust accumulating on their gadgets especially the ones that are owned by the company. Provide your employees with wipes, cleaning liquid, and microfiber cloths so that they can clean their devices on their own and with the right cleaning supplies.

6. Organise wires and cables

Wires and cables can make everything messy and disorganized. Loose or long wires can even be a cause for accidents. For obvious reasons, you want to prevent these things from happening. To do that, you can use clips and electrical tape to fold and stick the wires to the floor. If possible, use wires that are just the right length. There are tools that can even hide cables and wires, and they are good options to make the office more presentable.

7. Hire a professional cleaning service

Lastly, a professional cleaning service will help you get your office cleaned and disinfected. These cleaning services take away the burden of having to vacuum carpets and cleaning windows. They also clean the common areas and the restrooms. When hiring a cleaner, look for a company that is experienced and can answer to your specific requirements on cleaning your office.

With these simple steps, you can already make your office a more work-conducive environment.

For commercial and office cleaning services, contact Performance Cleaning professional and reliable cleaners at 1300 867 872. We are very glad to assist you with your cleaning concerns.

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