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8 Places in Your Home You Might Not Realise Needs Cleaning

Now is the perfect time to make a full sweep of your home and clean every nook and cranny to guarantee a germ-free existence.

Unfortunately, when we say “clean”, most people only think about the more obvious places in their homes – like the floors, the window cleaning, the sofa, and so on.

You might not realise it but you’re missing a lot of possible places where dirt, grime, mold, and germ can settle. Here are some of the top parts of your home that could use a good clean.

Bed and Pillows

That’s right – your bed and pillows need some TLC, too. We’re not just talking about the sheets but the fluffy materials themselves. Pillows are best cleaned through sun exposure.

Just put them outdoors under direct sunlight and they will absorb any moisture that might have accumulated in your pillow. When you take them back inside, you’ll notice how they’re so much fluffier.

As an added bonus – the sun is also a natural antibacterial. The same can be done for your bed, although it might take some work to drag it out there.


Trash Can

Don’t forget to clean the trash can as well since this can collect not only grime but also the odor of your trash. Even if you use a trash bag all the time, the fact is that there could be an overspill that taints the inside of the can.

Take a good whiff whenever you’re replacing the trash bag – does the can still smell? If so – wash it with soap and water and give it a new lease on life.

Under and Over Furniture

While you many not exactly “forget” to clean under furniture, it’s not really a pleasant experience. Moving large furniture around – like the sofa or the fridge – can be exhausting. This is why you should only do it once every few months or so.

The upside however is that you’ll feel more confident knowing that there are no dust bunnies accumulating underneath your sofa. Don’t forget that some appliances also need cleaning on top – such as the fridge.

Cleaning Items Need Cleaning

Take a good look at the appliances you use to clean the rest of your home. There’s the dishwasher, the washing machine, the mop, the broom, rags, and so on.

These are the ones that take most of the brunt of household chores and fortunately, there are now convenient ways to clean them.

For example, some dishwashers can be loaded with cleaning agents designed specially to remove any grime that might have built up inside it.

The same goes for washing machines. Ideally, mops are cleaned after every use so you’re not just spreading the dirt around the house.

Sink and Garbage Disposal

Don’t wait for clogs to appear before you do something about your sink. Ideally, you should be throwing some hot water in there once a week just to clear up the pathways and minimize the chances of clogging.

Here’s a cool trick – you can clean your sink AND coffee maker at the same time. Just load your coffee maker with a combination of vinegar and water and allow it to run. Pour the hot mixture down the drain and you’re good to go.

Back of Toilet

No one really likes to clean the toilet – but it’s something that has to be done. The back area is typically forgotten since it is often out of sight.

Note though that with all the natural curves of the toilet, the back portion is a hotbed of grime accumulation. This is why it’s best to clean this area as often as possible so you don’t have to spend a long time with each session.

Fans and Air Conditioners

Technician cleaning aircondition system at homeIt’s easy to spot gunk buildup in fans but the process of dismantling it can be tough if you’re new to the process. You will find however that cleaning a fan will give you cleaner and cooler air afterwards.

The same goes for air conditioners. Now, a deep clean of air conditioners require expertise, but the filter itself can be removed, cleaned, and reattached in a matter of minutes.

It’s the Small Things

The small stuff also deserve attention – especially since they’re the ones that are often touched. Think lamp switches, wall switches, door knobs, and the remote control.

All these things are a hive for bacteria since everyone touches them all through the day. Wipe them out with alcohol as often as you can.

Of course, those are just some ideas on what parts of the home may need additional attention on your part during a spring clean. For a deep clean without the hassle however, it’s also a good idea to simply hire professionals for the job.

Typically, professional cleaners also take these locations in consideration, often having a checklist to ensure that they hit all the hot spots.

Make your house clean and germ-free, let our professional and reliable commercial cleaning team help you with that. Contact Performance Cleaning at 1300 867 872

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