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What are the Benefits of Good Air Quality in the Workplace?



Are your employees often calling in sick? Is sneezing, coughing, headache, or dizziness their usual complaint? These signs only mean it’s time to assess your surroundings, particularly the air quality in the workplace.

Business or commercial building owners often take indoor air quality for granted. Non-action only exposes your tenants or workers to unseen pollutants. Worse, constantly breathing in toxic air compounds only leads to the sick building syndrome.

Maintaining good air quality within your office or work area is one way to avoid this. Aside from protecting human health, clean indoor air has other benefits. Here are some of them.

Benefits of Good Workplace Air Quality

Good employee health may be one obvious advantage of having good workplace air quality. However, it also creates a positive ripple effect that ultimately benefits businesses and building owners.

1. Lower Risk of Illness and Infection

Ensuring optimal airflow in an enclosed space is one way to control the level of infectious particles in the air. This best practice is a must, considering tenants and workers are returning to offices post-pandemic.

With clean and free air circulation, you also prevent the accumulation of bacteria, allergens, and dust that can make people sick.

2. Higher Tenant and Employee Confidence

Reducing your employees’ risk of exposure to air contaminants shows genuine care for their well-being. In turn, this translates to increased job satisfaction and higher morale.

A clean and fresh environment allows workers to do their jobs with confidence. They can stay in the workplace for hours without worrying about their health or safety.

Moreover, happy workers are naturally energised and less stressed throughout their shifts. Similarly, visitors or clients will be happier to do business with you in a pleasant and comfortable office.


3. Improved Productivity

One of the most important benefits of good air quality in the workplace is better employee performance. Clean indoor air gives workers peace of mind and lessens discomfort, allowing them to concentrate better at work.

One study by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2015) even concluded that minor improvements in workplace air quality can significantly improve workers’ decision-making performance.

Palacios and colleagues (2020) also found a link between environmental conditions in the workplace, job satisfaction, and productivity. The researchers specifically highlighted how a better workplace environment improved employee health improvement and reduced sick leave prevalence.

4. Optimum Building Performance

The occupants are not the sole benefactors of good indoor quality. When business owners prioritise clean airflow through HVAC maintenance, the building becomes a high-performing structure.

It protects the environment as it produces less carbon. A well-maintained HVAC system also means optimum energy use and minimal repair. Both help building owners save power and money. Less exposure to air pollutants also prolongs the building’s lifespan.

5. Return on Investment

As good workplace air quality lowers the risk of illness and enhances worker satisfaction and productivity, business and building owners can expect increased ROI.

Tenants are more likely to stay for longer. On the other hand, managers avoid the cost of lost production, frequent absences, and high employee turnover.

Effective Ways to Improve Air Quality in the Workplace

Improving your indoor air quality leads to multiple benefits. But how can commercial building occupants achieve this?

These strategies can help:

  • Control sources of air pollutants. Get your employees involved in ensuring office cleanliness. A weekly cleaning and decluttering schedule can minimise dust and bacterial build-up. Be sure to have eco-friendly cleaning supplies available. If possible, use air purifiers with HEPA filters. Also, promote a smoke-free workplace.
  • Check and adjust indoor humidity. Dust clings to moist environments, resulting in moulds that occupants may inhale. Use a humidity monitor or hygrometer to maintain humidity levels at 30-50%. Air conditioners and dehumidifiers also help reduce humidity-related problems.
  • Add plants. Potted indoor plants are not only decorative. They can also produce oxygen and absorb toxins to improve air quality. Just be sure to take care of them to avoid pests.
  • Keep carpets and upholstery dust-free. Like moisture, dust settles in fabric, affecting air quality. So, call in professionals to regularly clean your carpeted floors and couches. A minimalist office space with fewer pieces of furniture is also another way to reduce dust build-up.
  • Enhance ventilation through regular monitoring. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in your air ducts and filters, leading to clogging and poor airflow. Consult the experts for an inspection or cleaning schedule and air filter replacement. Cleaning professionals should have the equipment and skills to test your current air quality or spot problem areas (e.g. mould growth, water damage, odours).


Constantly Track Your Workplace Air Quality

Poor air quality in a commercial building can be due to inadequate ventilation, mould and bacteria, outdoor pollution, or chemical fumes. Professional cleaners can help you identify the cause and implement the best solutions.

Call Performance Cleaning today on 1300 867 872. We offer office, industrial, and carpet cleaning services to achieve and maintain top-notch workplace air quality.

How Often Should You Deep Clean Your Office?


blankYour office needs a deep clean once or twice a year. Deep cleaning requires skills, experience, and equipment, though. So, it is also advisable to let a professional cleaning company do this task.

However, there is no fixed time as to how often your office deep cleaning should be. After all, every office space is different.

Some have lots of carpeted floors, while others have high foot traffic. The size of your office, the type of business you do, and the number of employees matter, too.

All these unique features of and within an office are crucial when evaluating your deep cleaning needs.

Let’s discuss these individual office factors in detail. That way you can design a deep cleaning schedule that best fits your work environment.

Deep Cleaning of Office Floors

It is best practice to deep clean office floors once or twice a year, depending on your workplace size. But your schedule should also consider two factors: the type of flooring and the level of foot traffic.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Deep clean moderately high-traffic office areas every 3 to 4 months. These include your lobby area, meeting rooms, and office hallways.
  • Deep clean high-traffic areas once a month. These include your office entrance, kitchen or pantry, and bathroom.
  • Deep clean your carpeted office floors once or twice a year. Deep cleaning your carpets prevents dirt and bacteria build-up, which can trigger breathing problems and allergies.

Deep Cleaning of Office Upholstery

The ideal deep cleaning schedule for office upholstery is once or twice a year. Like carpeted floors, fabric and fibres in couches and office chairs can trap dirt and germs. So, professional cleaning and equipment are necessary.

However, deep cleaning for upholstery in high-traffic areas should be more frequent, ideally every 3 to 4 months.

Various people use chairs and furniture in waiting areas, lobbies, or meeting rooms. That means the buildup of dust particles, oils, sweat, and allergens is faster.

Deep cleaning your upholstery should also be more frequent if your office has a flexible seating arrangement.


Deep Cleaning of Office Desks and Cubicles

You may schedule office desks and cubicles for deep cleaning at least twice a year. However, we consider workstations as high-touch areas.

Employees frequently touch the phone, mouse, and keyboard throughout their work shift. They spend hours on their desks, so dirt and germs could quickly accumulate and thrive here.

Because of these conditions, ask employees to regularly clean and sanitise their desks once a week. Regular cleaning can be more frequent if your office observes a flexible seating arrangement.

When you involve employees in office cleanliness, ensure they have access to cleaning supplies, like cleaning cloth and disinfecting wipes.

Deep Cleaning of High-Traffic Office Areas

Office kitchens and restrooms require deep cleaning once or twice a month.

However, these high-traffic areas are also shared spaces. That means dirt, grime, and germs can quickly accumulate without daily or weekly cleaning.

So, aside from a monthly deep cleaning schedule, have a weekly cleaning time to inspect fridge contents and disinfect tables.

Clean kitchen appliances, like microwaves and coffeemakers, after use or before the day ends.

Restrooms require several daily cleanings, depending on the size of your office and foot traffic. Flooring should be dry, trash cans emptied, and supplies restocked as needed.

Then, thoroughly scrub and disinfect bathroom surfaces, toilets, and fixtures once weekly.

Why Is Deep Office Cleaning Necessary?

The purpose of office deep cleaning is not only to remove visible dirt and other contaminants. Keeping your workspace thoroughly clean has a lot of other benefits.

  • It keeps employees focused and productive. Anyone will lose focus at work when they sit near a smelly bathroom or an overflowing trash bin. It’s uncomfortable to sit on an itchy chair for hours, too. With a clean office, you’re boosting everyone’s work efficiency, health, and safety.
  • It keeps employees’ spirits up. As an employer or business owner, investing in a professionally cleaned workplace means you care about the employees’ well-being. When workers are happy, they stay in the company and work happily. A higher employee morale naturally results in better work outputs or business outcomes.
  • It paints a positive company image. You’ll instantly impress business partners and guests when they visit your deep-cleaned office. A fresh-smelling, comfortable waiting area or meeting room suggests professionalism and high attention to detail. When the office is clean, people equate it with your company standards and work practices.

Boost Office Productivity with Professional Deep Cleaning

An office deep clean is not a luxury but a necessity. Adding it to your company’s monthly or yearly schedule should keep your space conducive to excellent work performance and motivated employees.

If your office needs deep cleaning services ASAP, Performance Cleaning is ready to help. We can also discuss customised strategies to ensure every cleaning action suits your workplace or business.

Call Performance Cleaning today at 1300 867 872 or fill out our contact form for a quick quote.

Tips for Organising an Office for Cleaning Routines



Imagine a workplace with tidy desks, sparkling surfaces, and a fresh, clean atmosphere. This isn’t just a dream – it’s the reality for businesses that prioritise a well-maintained office. While cleaning might not be at the top of everyone’s list, it significantly impacts a company’s success.

A clean environment fosters a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce. But with busy schedules, how can you ensure consistent cleaning without scrambling last minute? The answer lies in a strategic office cleaning plan. This guide will show you how to create a customised plan that keeps your office sparkling and your employees thriving.

1. Categorise for Efficiency

Keeping your office clean is essential, but not all cleaning tasks are created equal. Some, like dusting surfaces, can be tackled quickly by in-house staff. Others, like deep carpet cleaning, require specialised equipment and expertise. To ensure a sparkling office while keeping things manageable, categorise your cleaning tasks.

Here’s how categorisation helps:

  • Prioritisation: Identify essential tasks (sanitising surfaces) versus non-essential ones (organising files).
  • Frequency: Determine how often tasks need to be done (daily trash removal vs. monthly floor waxing).
  • Resource Allocation: Match tasks to available resources (dusting by in-house staff vs. deep cleaning by professionals).

Getting Started with Cleaning Task Categories

  1. Make a List: Compile all the cleaning tasks required for your office.
  2. Categorise by Frequency: Group tasks by how often they need to be done (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).
  3. Difficulty and Resources: Consider the effort and equipment needed for each task. Can it be handled by in-house staff, or does it require professional cleaning services?

2. Craft Your Cleaning Schedule

With your cleaning tasks neatly categorised, it’s time to build your office cleaning schedule. This roadmap should encompass tasks tackled daily, weekly, and monthly.

Tailoring the Schedule

  • Daily Tasks: These essential cleaning routines maintain a clean look and healthy environment (e.g., emptying trash, wiping down surfaces).
  • Weekly Tasks: Focus on tasks that require a bit more effort but are crucial for hygiene (e.g., vacuuming carpets, mopping floors).
  • Monthly Tasks: Schedule deeper cleaning for areas that don’t require frequent attention (e.g., dusting high shelves, cleaning windows).

Sharing the Responsibility

If your staff handles some cleaning duties, consider rotating the tasks on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This distributes the workload fairly and ensures everyone contributes to a clean workspace.

Once finalised, share the cleaning schedule with all employees. This allows them to manage their schedules and make preparations for cleaning days (e.g., moving personal items from desks for carpet cleaning).


3. Checklists Ensure Consistent Cleaning

For complex cleaning tasks with multiple steps, checklists become your secret weapon. These handy guides ensure every aspect of the job is completed thoroughly, whether by in-house staff or outsourced services.

Benefits of Checklists

  • Guaranteed Quality: Checklists prevent missed steps, leading to a consistently clean office.
  • Improved Efficiency: Employees can track their progress and ensure they’ve covered everything.
  • Enhanced Safety: Checklists can include safety protocols for specific cleaning tasks.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Anyone can review a completed checklist, fostering accountability for both staff and cleaning services.

How To Craft an Effective Checklist

  • Break Down the Process – List each step involved in the cleaning task.
  • Include Details – Specify the cleaning products, tools, and techniques required.
  • Safety First – Integrate any relevant safety precautions for the task.
  • Easy to Use – Keep the checklist clear, concise, and easy to follow.

4. Hire a Professional Cleaning Service

While a well-defined cleaning plan is essential, some tasks are best left to the experts. Hiring a professional cleaning service takes the burden off your shoulders and guarantees a superior level of cleaning.

Benefits of Professional Cleaning

  • Expert Attention: Trained professionals tackle even the most challenging cleaning projects efficiently.
  • Peace of Mind: We handle large-scale cleaning needs, freeing up your time and resources.
  • Guaranteed Results: We stand by our work, ensuring your satisfaction.
  • Customisation: We will work with you to create a cleaning schedule and service plan tailored to your specific needs.

To choose the right partner, look for a company with a proven track record and a commitment to training their staff. Seek a service provider who prioritises open communication and caters to your specific requests.

Partnering with a professional cleaning service takes your office cleaning plan to the next level. It delivers a superior clean, frees up your resources, and empowers your team to focus on core business activities.

For professional office cleaning service, please contact Performance Cleaning on 1300 867 872.

Getting Employees Involved in Office Cleanliness



Turn your team into a cleanliness dream team! Foster a collaborative environment where everyone takes pride in their workspace. This goes beyond a tidy desk; it’s about shared responsibility and creating a healthy, productive atmosphere.

Here are seven ways to engage them in tidying up:

Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy

Imagine this: you notice a coffee spill on the breakroom table, but the nearest cleaning supplies are down the hall. By the time you trek there and back, the spill has dried and become a sticky mess. Frustrating, right? That’s why making cleaning supplies easily accessible is crucial for encouraging a clean office environment.

Make keeping things clean effortless by providing easy access to tools. Set up designated cleaning stations near areas prone to spills and messes, like kitchens, break rooms, and printer areas. Stock these stations with essentials like multi-surface wipes, spray bottles, microfiber cloths, paper towels and trash bags.

Schedule Cleanup Days

Transform cleaning from a chore into a collaborative event with scheduled cleanup days. These dedicated times bring your team together to tackle shared areas, fostering teamwork, boosting morale, and reinforcing the value of a clean workplace.

Choose a day or half-day that avoids peak workloads and consider offering flexible shifts to accommodate diverse schedules. Announce the event well in advance, explain its purpose, and encourage enthusiastic participation.

Assign zones or tasks based on team size and interests. Rotate responsibilities to keep things fresh. Create a fun and energetic atmosphere with upbeat music. Laughter and camaraderie make cleaning fly by!

Tie Cleanliness to Safety

Convince your staff that a clean workspace is a safety net, preventing accidents and promoting well-being. Clutter on floors, like cords, papers, or food debris, are prime culprits for slips and falls.

Unattended spills create slippery surfaces, inviting slips and potential injuries. Dust, grime, and dirty surfaces harbour harmful bacteria and viruses. Flammable materials like paper piles or oily rags left unattended pose a fire hazard. Dust buildup can irritate airways and trigger allergies.


Lead by Example

Words are powerful, but actions speak volumes, especially when it comes to fostering a clean office environment. As a leader, you set the tone, and your behaviour plays a crucial role in inspiring your team.

Keep your workspace organised and clutter-free. This sends a clear message that everyone is accountable for their surroundings. Don’t shy away from participating in scheduled cleanups or impromptu tidying sessions. Be visible, be active, and show your team that you’re willing to get your hands dirty alongside them.

Reward the Clean Workstations

Maintaining a clean workspace shouldn’t feel like a chore. By recognising and rewarding those who consistently go the extra mile, you can cultivate a culture of shared responsibility and pride in a sparkling environment. Verbally acknowledge individuals or teams who keep their areas tidy.

Feature clean workspaces in newsletters or on digital signage, showcasing them as examples for others. Create lighthearted awards for categories like “Tidiest Desk” or “Most Improved Cleanliness.” A little friendly competition can be a fun motivator.

Practice CLAYGO

Imagine a workplace where spills vanish before they become sticky messes, and overflowing bins are a distant memory. That’s the power of CLAYGO, or “Clean as you go.” This simple mantra empowers everyone to take small, immediate actions that keep the office sparkling throughout the day.

Dispose of waste regularly. Avoid overflowing bins by making frequent trips to the trash can. Dedicate defined spaces for personal belongings and avoid letting them sprawl across desks or common areas.

Clean up after using shared items like printers, microwaves, or coffee makers. Wipe down surfaces and return things to their designated spots. CLAYGO isn’t about deep cleaning; it’s about preventing messes before they start.

Hire Commercial Cleaners

For professional deep cleaning and comprehensive coverage, consider partnering with commercial cleaners. This ensures consistent sanitation, especially for high-traffic areas and specialised needs. CLAYGO and DIY cleaning are commendable efforts, but there’s a time and place for professional muscle.

Hiring commercial cleaners isn’t a luxury; it’s an investment in the well-being, productivity, and professional image of your organisation. Contact us on 1300 867 872 for any cleaning concerns and questions.

Customised Office Cleaning Strategies



Generic cleaning solutions pale in comparison to the effectiveness of customised office cleaning strategies. Tailoring cleaning plans to the specific needs of each office or business allows companies to deliver a more efficient and higher-quality service. This targeted approach ensures that resources are focused on areas requiring the most attention, while areas with lower needs receive appropriate maintenance. Ultimately, customised cleaning strategies lead to a cleaner, healthier, and more productive work environment.

Recognising the diverse cleaning needs of each client is paramount for any commercial cleaning company. Tailoring service plans to individual requirements allows for the delivery of superior office cleaning, catering to the unique demands of every workspace.

Through expertise and unwavering commitment to customised plans, Performance Cleaning ensures immaculate facilities, fostering trust and building long-lasting client partnerships.

Benefits of Customised Office Cleaning Strategies

In today’s dynamic business landscape, a one-size-fits-all approach to cleaning simply doesn’t cut it. This is where customised commercial cleaning services rise above the ordinary, offering a multitude of benefits for discerning businesses.

Precision Cleaning

Unlike generic plans, customised solutions meticulously consider the unique needs of each environment. A greasy restaurant kitchen demands targeted degreasing, while a sterile medical facility necessitates rigorous disinfection protocols. Customised plans ensure no area is overlooked, minimising hygiene risks and promoting a healthier space.

Enhanced Efficiency

Generic office cleaning often wastes time and resources on unnecessary tasks. A customised plan, however, employs targeted cleaning methods and products specifically chosen for the space’s challenges. This means faster cleaning times, optimised resource allocation, and ultimately, higher cost-effectiveness.

Dynamic Adaptability

Businesses evolve, and so should their cleaning plans. Customised solutions offer the flexibility to adapt to changing needs. Whether it’s seasonal fluctuations in foot traffic or the introduction of new equipment, the plan can be adjusted, ensuring continuous cleanliness and hygiene.

By prioritising individual needs and employing a laser-focused approach, customised commercial cleaning services deliver demonstrably superior results. From enhanced brand image to improved employee health and productivity, these targeted solutions offer a compelling value proposition for any business seeking true cleaning excellence.


Creating the Strategy to Address Specific Requirements

The onboarding process involves an expert team collaborating with the client to pinpoint high-priority areas within their facility. This comprehensive analysis informs the development of a tailored cleaning plan that not only aligns with their specific hygiene needs but also seamlessly integrates with their budget and desired schedule.

Instead of a universal approach, professional cleaning companies delve into the unique needs of each client, crafting bespoke cleaning and maintenance plans like a tailor stitching the perfect suit.

1. Assessment

Before crafting a customised plan, a thorough assessment of the client’s premises is conducted. This includes measuring the space, identifying flooring types, determining occupant density, and pinpointing specific cleaning needs.

2. Discussion with Client

Armed with the preliminary assessment, the cleaning company embarks on a collaborative communication process to fully understand the client’s cleaning needs. This conversation delves into preferred cleaning frequency, specific methods, and areas demanding focused attention.

3. Developing the Strategy

Armed with a deep understanding of the client’s needs, a streamlined cleaning plan is crafted. This optimised schedule lays out the specific tasks, their designated frequency, and the most efficient cleaning methods for each, ensuring both thoroughness and cost-effectiveness.

4. Scheduling

Empowering the client with control over the cleaning schedule, the company partners with them to craft a plan that aligns with their needs. This flexible framework can encompass regular, recurring cleans (daily, weekly, monthly) or specialised cleans for events or specific occasions.

5. Implementation

With the goal of continuous refinement, the customised strategy is meticulously deployed. Leveraging the agreed-upon odor-control methods and techniques, the cleaning staff diligently complete each task while meticulously recording both the tasks performed and the outcomes achieved. This data-driven approach fuels ongoing adjustments to the plan, guaranteeing its long-term efficacy and continued alignment with the client’s evolving needs.


Driven by a spirit of continuous improvement, Performance Cleaning actively evaluates the plan’s effectiveness. This ongoing assessment informs prompt adjustments, ensuring the plan stays in perfect sync with the client’s needs and consistently delivers optimal results.

Contact us on 1300 867 872 for more comprehensive and reliable cleaning for your business office.

Effective Odor Control Methods in Businesses



Unpleasant smells are an unwelcome reality we all encounter. Whether it’s a public restroom’s pungent assault or the persistent industrial emissions near your home, the battle against offensive odors is a constant one.

The growing awareness of malodors has propelled odor control to the forefront of maintaining a pleasant environment. Its importance extends across industries, from food processing facilities to healthcare institutions, ensuring a positive experience for both employees and customers. Every facility has the potential to generate unpleasant odors, which can negatively impact consumer and employee perception, leading to complaints and negative reviews.

Odors are the result of volatile chemical compounds, detected through our olfactory receptors. Most unpleasant smells we encounter, whether from humans, animals, or waste, stem from two primary culprits: sulfur and ammonia compounds.

Sulfur compounds, notorious for their distinct presence in rotten eggs, skunk spray, and burning rubber, are easy to recognize. The memorable cabbage-like aroma of decaying vegetables? That’s the work of mercaptans – sulfur-based compounds notorious for their potent stench. In fact, ethyl mercaptan is deliberately added to odorless natural gas for safety reasons, its pungent aroma serving as a potent alarm.

Mercaptans: The Hidden Stink Bombs in Everyday Life

These potent sulfur compounds are the culprits behind the pungent aromas you encounter more often than you might think:

  • Garbage’s unmistakable cabbage-like stench: That’s mercaptans at work, breaking down organic matter.
  • Asparagus’ distinctive odor: After you enjoy this healthy vegetable, your body releases mercaptans that are responsible for its unique aroma.
  • Poop’s unpleasant smell: Mercaptans join forces with other compounds to create the characteristic odor we all know and (mostly) dislike.
  • Skunk’s potent spray: This noxious weapon contains mercaptans, designed to incapacitate and deter predators.
  • Body odor: Mercaptans play a role in the complex mix of chemicals that make up our individual scent.
  • Garlic’s pungent aroma: Along with other sulfur compounds, mercaptans give garlic its distinctive bite.
  • Onions’ strong odor: The tear-inducing power of onions is partly due to mercaptans, which release volatile compounds when the vegetable is chopped.
  • Dairy and cattle odors: Mercaptans contribute to the specific smells associated with milk, cheese, and livestock.

Meanwhile, ammonia, another odoriferous compound, is:

  • The breakdown product of urea: Present in both urine and feces, urea naturally breaks down into ammonia due to the presence of the urease enzyme, contributing to their distinctive smells.
  • A common culprit in restrooms and cat litter boxes: The pungent ammonia odor in these environments arises from similar breakdown processes.

While the concentration of these odorants varies, they can range from barely perceptible to overwhelmingly pervasive. Complex techniques like European Odour Units, olfactometry, and gas chromatography exist for scientific odor analysis. But we simply don’t want to keep smelling them every single day.

Odor Control Solutions

Battling unpleasant smells requires a multi-pronged approach. The first line of defense lies in reducing odor potential at its source. Optimizing operations, adhering to regulations, and adopting innovative technologies can significantly minimize odor issues. The best solutions, however, depend on your specific industry, facility type, and the odor source.

Here’s a toolbox of techniques to tackle various odor problems:

Odor Modification:

  • Masking agents: Overlaying unpleasant smells with pleasant ones to alter perceived intensity and character.
  • Counteractants: Chemically reacting with odor molecules to neutralize or destroy them, eliminating the smell rather than masking it.
  • Neutralizers: Absorbing and binding odor molecules, effectively preventing them from reaching our olfactory receptors.

Odor Digesters:

Harnessing the power of beneficial bacteria and enzymes to “eat away” at odor-causing organic matter, offering a natural and environmentally friendly solution.

Adsorption/Dry Scrubbing:

Utilizing highly porous materials like activated carbon and zeolite to trap and capture odor molecules on their external surfaces, effectively removing them from the air.

Absorption/Wet Scrubbing:

Passing odorous gas through a liquid solution, where odor molecules are dissolved and neutralized, offering a high level of odor control.

Biofilters and Chemical Filtration:

Passing air containing odorous compounds through a bed of soil, compost, or peat, allowing naturally occurring microbes to degrade and eliminate them.


Adding oxygen to break down organic matter that produces offensive smells. Certain oxidizers also act as stain removers, providing additional benefits.


Forming a barrier around odor sources, preventing them from becoming airborne and contaminating the surrounding environment.

By understanding the available options and tailoring solutions to your specific needs, you can effectively control odors and create a more pleasant environment for everyone.


Clearing the Air: Air Fresheners vs. Deodorizers vs. Odor Eliminators

Navigating the air care aisle can be confusing with terms like “odor eliminator,” “deodorizer,” and “air freshener” vying for your attention. Let’s delve into the differences and help you choose the right weapon for your odor-fighting arsenal.

Masking vs. Eliminating

The fundamental distinction lies in their approach to odor control. Air fresheners and deodorizers belong to the “masking” camp. They use fragrances to cloak unpleasant smells, much like a magician’s illusion.

This includes popular options like plug-in air fresheners, diffusers, and metered aerosols. While they may effectively mask odors with a pleasant scent, they don’t address the root cause. Once the fragrance fades, the unpleasant odor returns, leaving you back at square one.

Neutralizing vs. Eliminating

Odor eliminators and odor neutralizers, on the other hand, take a different tack. They target the odor molecules themselves, undergoing a chemical reaction that alters their shape and renders them undetectable to the human nose. This “neutralization” effectively eliminates the odor permanently, rather than simply masking it. Some odor eliminators may have added fragrance for a fresh boost, but many are fragrance-free.

Choosing the Right Weapon

The best choice depends on your specific goal. If your aim is to quickly mask an unpleasant odor, an air freshener or deodorizer may be the quicker solution. However, if you’re seeking a permanent solution that eliminates the odor at its source, an odor eliminator or odor neutralizer is the way to go.

Why Hire Professional Odor Control Services for Your Business?

Unpleasant odors can have a significant negative impact on your business. They can detract from customer experience, decrease employee productivity, trigger health problems, violate health codes.

Professional odor control services can help identify the source of the odor, eliminate the odor permanently, prevent odors from returning, and protect your reputation. Apart from all that, professional odor control saves you time and money, and is environmentally friendly.

Hiring professional odor control services is a wise investment for any business that wants to create a clean, healthy, and odor-free work environment for its customers and employees.

For professional and reliable commercial cleaning services in your area, don’t hesitate to contact Performance Cleaning on 1300 867 872 for more information.

6 Things to Put On Your Winter Office Deep Cleaning Checklist

cleaning service team

Deep-cleaning your office before winter is a sound idea if you think about it. You eliminate all dirt build-up before the onslaught of wintertime crud. Lessen the snowy season’s bad side by leaving the office spick and span by having the right winter deep-cleaning items.

cleaning service team

1. Salt Neutraliser Cleaner

Tackling the salt problem once there’s a nip in the air is a smart move for a cleaner, more presentable office. Ignore all that salt and it will stain the flooring. At worst, it can leave a crusty, grainy film that may eventually cause floor damage.

Remove the salt before it creates an icky mess by using a salt neutraliser cleaner. This cleaning solution can help eliminate salt for good. It also helps in grime and dirt removal.

2. Glass Cleaner

For most of the winter season, all office windows will be closed. However, just because it’s left closed does not mean that you have to tolerate dirt streaks on those parts the whole season.

Go over your windows with a glass cleaner and start with the first-floor windows. If the office is several floors up, you should get assistance with a professional window-cleaning service.

3. Dusters/Dusting Rags

Offices in winter are closed up more compared to other seasons and because of this, pollutants and microorganisms are trapped inside and cannot.

Thus, make sure to have your dusters, dusting rags, and cloths plus furniture polish on hand at all times. Wipe office furniture and fixtures regularly to ensure a cleaner, dust-free office.

Clean the vents by removing their covers and dry-dusting them. Wash the items with gentle detergent and a damp cloth. Dry them immediately then use a vacuum attachment to remove all dust from the vent areas. Wipe the inner walls with a moist cloth if required before fastening the covers.

Remember to change the air duct filters as well to ensure better air quality.

4. Bleach

When it comes to cleaning checklists regardless of the season, cleaning the loo and breakrooms should always be higher up on the priority list. The flu season is nigh and cleaning plus disinfecting those areas frequently with bleach and water should be performed.

The loo and the breakrooms are areas where people often come and go, thus making them a thriving spot for disease-causing germs. Main areas, lobbies, and conference rooms should be cleaned and disinfected daily as well since these are high-traffic spots, too.

5. Vacuum Cleaners

Rugs and carpets trap plenty of dirt, grime, dust, and food remains, thus making them ideal breeding places for microorganisms and pests. Vacuum office rugs and carpets scrupulously. Use a dedicated vacuum attachment or a brush roller to suck in as much dust and dirt as possible. Roll up those rugs and carpets and clean the surface under them.

For rugs with plastic or rubber undersides, wipe them clean using a gentle detergent and moist cloth or rag. If the rug is made from woven material, simply shake loose dust and debris off or use a vacuum to tidy up its underside.

6. Natural Cleaning Solutions

Winter means that pests like mice will seek areas that are warmer and have food on hand. Protect the office pantry from vermin by cleaning the office fridge. Some food remains and drink spills can stick inside the refrigerator and this can attract rats.

Take away all food items, pots, pans, food containers, racks, and shelves. Wash the racks and shelves in the sink then wipe the walls of the fridge with a solution of vinegar, water, and baking soda. Do the same for the cabinets and pantry. Remove all items inside and clean the inside with a moist microfiber cloth and gentle detergent.

Don’t forget to clean the microwave by wiping its insides with natural lemon, vinegar, and water cleaning solution.

You will appreciate the fact that you took the effort to tidy up the office. Working in an organized, neat office makes healthier employees and smoother operations.

If you need more muscle in this area, give us a call today for excellent professional cleaning services. Our service staff is trained and knowledgeable about cleaning methods and the right fixes to solve all clean-up issues.

For more information and tips about winter office cleaning or carpet cleaning in Footscray area, you may contact Performance Cleaning at 1300 867 872 or fill out our form to get a quick quote.

12 Reasons Why Cleaning is Important for Car Dealers



There are heaps of ways to pull in customers by the droves to your commercial space, and one of them is minding your establishment’s cleanliness. Here are 12 reasons why commercial cleaning is crucial for business growth.

1. Provides Positive First Impressions

People who are on the lookout for a new ride often desire for a car that is maintained very well. Thus, keeping the showroom spic and span should be every auto dealership’s responsibility. Make every first impression of your establishment a positive one for potential closed deals.

2. Improves the Customer Experience

A neat space provides customers a welcoming environment. We reckon no sensible person wants to deal business in iffy surroundings. Especially if it is concerned with their hard-earned money. Clean facilities prove that you are professional and trustworthy in the biz.

3. Guarantees Good Health and Well-being for Your Employees

Employees are essential in various industries, and smart business owners make the effort to maintain an environment that has a positive impact on the health and safety of their staff. A cleaner place will also help prevent the spread of germs and diseases. Commercial cleaning allows for thorough clean-ups of frequently-touched places like door handles, work desks and telephones.

4. Reduces the Risk of Accidents and Injuries

A car dealership that is organized helps decrease the risk of falls, slipping and bumps on the shop floor. Commercial cleaning can help business owners deal with leaks. Plus, it can also keep entrances and exits free from elements that can hamper safety, thereby preventing accidents and at worst, lawsuits.

5. Boosts Employee Morale and Productivity

As business owners, you want to run a workplace that your employees will appreciate so their stay will be a better, positive one. A spotless facility makes for employees that are more comfortable, happier and productive. This will also encourage your staff to work efficiently and take pride in their jobs.

6. Keeps Customers Focused on Your Merchandise

To make sure that you will be able to close deals at the end of a business day, you have to guarantee that your customers will remain focused on your cars. Unwelcome sights like disorganized desks, dirty waiting areas and messy, sticky floors might incite potential customers to bolt out of the door and forget about checking your new vehicles.


7. Maintains the Great Condition of Your Showroom Vehicles

The cars in your showroom may be for display purposes only, but customers of course will be expecting models that are well-preserved. An experienced, professional commercial cleaning company can handle the hard task of tidying up and organizing your showroom and your cars.

8. Provide Experts Who Can Deal with Specialized Cleaning Tasks

The staff you hire for your car dealership are more likely focused on their skills with your products, marketing, customer service and technical automotive expertise. They can help with general cleaning but specialised cleaning methods like parts cleaning, chemical build-up removal and disinfection are best left to professional cleaners. This will help you to avoid the 6 major mistakes in cleaning.

9. Helps Business Owners Save Money

If you do not have the funds to employ a committed cleaning staff, you can economize by hiring the services of a professional commercial cleaning company. Hiring their services means you can save up on cleaning staff salary, cleaning equipment and supplies. Plus, you are given scheduling options – clean-ups can be scheduled daily, twice-weekly, weekly, twice-monthly and the like.

10. Allows Employees to Focus More on their Respective Duties

You cannot really expect your staff to deal with majority of cleaning responsibilities full-time. As mentioned previously, you have hired your staff according to their abilities with car dealerships. Let them be effective in their areas of expertise and just let commercial cleaning services handle showroom maintenance tasks.

11. Makes Buyers Feel at Ease

You want your establishment to deliver a very welcoming, accommodating atmosphere to make your customers comfortable. One way to do this is to retain a work environment that is clean, hygienic and organized. Maintaining key areas in your car dealership like showrooms and restrooms will make customers feel more relaxed and willing to do business with you.

12. Merits Business Owners Repeat Purchases

Vehicle dealership owners want to make their customers feel happy with their decisions so they can always come back; satisfied clients can also help them spread the word about their car dealership. A showroom that is given extra care provides the impression that the owner values not only their merchandise, but their customers as well.

Cleanliness and organization can make a car dealership flourish – people are always willing to do business in places that are uncluttered and dirt-free. Focus on the rigors of your business more by hiring effective, professional commercial cleaning services to handle the maintenance side of your car dealership.

For auto dealership cleaning, Performance Cleaning can definitely help! To check our service areas click this link or contact us on 1300 867 872 for more details.

Holiday Cleaning: Tips for Cleaning Offices During the Christmas Season



The holidays are the perfect time to get together with your loved ones, friends and officemates. Parties are being planned left and right – for a truly happening shindig, the office needs to be presentable, sparkling clean and comfy before and after the gathering. Check out these nifty tips to keep the staff’s spirits high all throughout the season.

Before The Party

1. Start With The Basics

Get the cleanup going by doing the basics. Organize all clutter. Make sure that all counters and surfaces are free of litter and properly sanitized. Vacuum and sweep the floor of dust and dirt.

2. Take Care Of The Restroom

Even before the party starts, ensure that the restroom is cleaned up and sanitized well. Polish the sinks and counters clean. Scour the toilets. Keep the restroom free from odors. Disinfect to rid the area of germs – take care of spots that are touched frequently like doors and taps. Restock toilet paper rolls and tissues, refill those soap dispensers and place a fresh stock of paper towels.

3. Tidy Up The Kitchen And The Dining Area

The staff and office guests will possibly spend a bit of their time in the kitchen or dining area. Thus, don’t forget to clean these spots well. Wipe down kitchen counters and devices. Clean chairs, tables and kitchen shelves using disinfectant wipes.

4. Empty The Trash

If you want a cleaner office for this season’s festivities, do not forget to empty out the trash bins. Offices that have assigned a commercial cleaning company to take care of the trash year-round can cross this task out of the list. Do not allow the garbage to linger once the office opens the following year – this is just bad New Year’s Feng Shui.

5. Rid The Office Fridge Of Perishables

Again, if your office closes down for the holidays, one of the items that you need to check is the fridge. Rid the fridge of perishables before the workplace shuts down for the season. Ask the staff to just tote their perishable leftovers along with them and not leave them on the fridge.


After The Party

1. Clean The Office Before It Closes

Pay attention to spills and stains and remove them right away, particularly stains on carpeting and office furniture. Mop the floors and vacuum the carpets. Clean up carpets and floor matting. Wipe down all flat surfaces and disinfect right after. Make sure the kitchen sinks and appliances are wiped clean as well.

2. Spruce Up The Washroom

Make sure that the restroom is clean before leaving the party. Wipe down and sanitize counters, sinks and urinals to get rid of germs.

3. Throw Out All Garbage

Get rid of party clutter. Ensure that all of the bins are emptied as well to keep the office clean and fresh-smelling during the remainder of the holidays. You can ask your commercial cleaning company to work with this in case the office closes for the season.

4. Take Down Party Decorations

Take care of party décor by wrapping and keeping them in their proper boxes or containers after the gathering. That way, you can still use those items for future holiday parties.

5. Outsource A Commercial Cleaning Company

Avoid after-party headaches by just requesting for the help of a professional cleaning company. This is a faster and more cost-effective solution since these services have the expertise and equipment required to tackle deep cleaning tasks.

The office staff was not hired to do such tasks so if you want an office that smells sweet, free of germs and bacteria and is sparkling clean after New Year’s, commercial cleaning services are the way to go.

Holiday parties are just the thing offices need to uplift everybody’s morale and celebrate the wins of the current business year. Everybody gets to unwind and become closer with each other.

Let’s get real, though – everyone wants to get down and party but not all is hot with the idea of cleanups before and after the shindig. Thus, hiring the services of professional cleaning companies is an excellent solution. Allow yourself and the staff to unwind some more by letting the experts take care of the holiday cleaning.

After party cleaning is really tough, that's why Performance Cleaning is here to help. We believe in the 5S System in cleaning so your workplace will be conducive for productivity again after any event in the office. Contact us on 1300 867 872 for more information.

The Most Important Areas In An Office that Need Daily Cleaning



Cleaning and maintaining cleanliness in the office are crucial to keep the workplace safe. As we are currently confronted with a pandemic outbreak, it is imperative to keep the office a clean place to work and transact business.

Aside from the current situation that we are facing, we have to keep in mind that germs and bacteria thrive and grow especially in places that are usually left unnoticed for cleaning. Uncleaned dust also piles up and can eventually trigger respiratory ailments including asthma and other allergies.

In Australia, it was estimated that almost half of Australians from 2017 to 2018 suppressed one or more chronic conditions. This was according to Australia’s Health 2020, published by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare dated July 23, 2020.

This includes asthma, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, among others. Many factors are seen to be affecting an individual’s health conditions which includes where they live or work.

That is why cleaning the most important parts of the office is ideal to keep everyone safe and healthy. However, it may make you wonder where to start and which areas are most important when cleaning. To give you an idea which places in the office are most important for daily cleaning, take a look at the following:

1. Lobby/Reception Area

As customers, guests and staff alike are likely to meet in this part of the office, making daily cleaning much needed. It is also vital to check for dust build-up, molds and even possible insect infestation.

2. Large Conference Rooms

Staff meetings are regularly held in this part of a corporate office which makes it necessary to clean on a daily basis. Wiping and dusting alone may be deemed insufficient that is why relevant cleaning methods should be done.

3. Meeting Rooms

Smaller meetings or department discussions are usually held in these rooms. So even as it is not often used, daily cleaning is still needed to ensure dust and mold do not build up. This will make it readily available whenever a meeting should arise.

4. Video Conferencing Rooms

Corporate offices have now been shifting to telework and video conferencing has become a rising trend. However, as different machines are used in these rooms including computers, headsets, projectors and screens along with basic office tools, thorough cleaning is needed to avoid contamination and breaking equipment.

5. Kitchen/Pantry

As staff enjoys lunch and snacks in this part of the office, it is also a must to keep it clean and tidy every day. An unclean kitchen or pantry may lead to having pests in the office aside from molds, bacteria and germs.


6. IT Rooms

This part of the office serves as a hub for all IT related services and workload. With a number of computers, printers and IT related machines being used in this room, it can be easily filled with dust if not cleaned daily.

7. Toilet/Shower and Washroom

These areas must be kept clean, sanitary and hygienic at all times. Staff, customers and guests often use these places and leaving them uncleaned can result in bacterial or even viral infections.

8. Department Rooms

A corporate office has several department rooms. These rooms usually have cubicles for various staff. Numbers of employees may vary, nevertheless, cleaning it daily and getting things tidy promotes a healthier place to work at.

Keeping the office clean every day is a must. However, this can be a challenging job for the company’s cleaning department. This is because a corporate office consists of different rooms in a building. This is when getting the best industrial cleaning services becomes a great help.

You would not need to worry about ensuring daily cleaning is done because commercial cleaning professionals will make sure every important room in the office is spotless.

By doing so, you are also providing quality services to your customers as they are most likely to get comfortable in a clean and hygienic environment. Commercial cleaners will help you achieve a gleaming office that will best promote safety, health and wellness to everyone who comes in.

Furthermore, proper sanitation is guaranteed that will also make your mind at ease knowing your corporate office is operating with daily cleaned equipment and rooms.

For virus-free and clean workplace, contact Performance Cleaning at 1300 867 872 and check out our service areas from this link.

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